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3 Ways to Reduce the Appearance of Acne Scars

Acne is the most common skin condition in the world, but that doesn’t mean its effects don’t hurt. Stubborn acne can leave physical and emotional scars that don’t just go away with time, no matter how stringent your skincare routine. 

Healing from acne is more than just getting rid of red bumps, and our staff at ENVY Skin Clinic have a number of solutions to alleviate acne scarring with a collection of innovative and deeply penetrating treatments available at our location. With deliberate care and a skin-friendly lifestyle, you’ll go from dreading what’s in the mirror to loving it. 

What acne does 

Acne is a long-running skin infection that usually starts as a person is experiencing puberty. Pores on your face, neck, shoulders and back fill with bacteria, oil, dirt, and dead skin. When this happens, the pore enlarges, sometimes becoming painful or often developing white caps or black points on your skin. 

Pimples, acne’s signature symptom, can vary depending on the person, their environment, their lifestyle, and other factors. Whiteheads and blackheads are what most people imagine when they think of pimples, but the papules, nodules, and cysts of severe acne can cause years of pain and embarrassment for people with acne. 

Many, if not most, often treat pimples by popping them. Though the satisfaction is enough for many acne sufferers, the consequences of popping pimples include the return of the pimple and an exacerbated infection. 

Acne tends to affect people with oily skin, though people with normal to dry skin can be affected by acne, too. A family history of acne is a huge determining factor, though there is a long list of things that can exacerbate acne, including: 

  • Stress
  • Low-quality sleep
  • A diet featuring lots of sugar and fried food
  • Conditions that cause hormonal imbalance, including pregnancy
  • Certain medications
  • Oil-heavy skincare products

Even though doctors can’t solidly agree on the whole list of acne causes, there is no doubt that acne scars are a problem and that treating them effectively can enhance your mood and augment your self-esteem.

3 ways to reduce the appearance of acne scars

Reducing acne scars is possible with surgical procedures, but there is no need to go under the knife. Instead, we offer solutions that get you real results without putting you under general anesthesia. 

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are liquid exfoliators applied directly to the skin to treat a number of acne and aging skin concerns. Chemical peels are available over-the-counter, but store-bought peels don’t have the power or effectiveness of our signature in-office services. 

Chemical peels start with a thorough cleaning for your skin. Afterward, the peeling solution is applied to your skin. The type of peel that’s best for your acne scars depends on what your provider recommends after you have a full consultation. After your peel, use an SPF of at least 30, and stay out of direct sunlight. 


Collagen induction therapy, or microneedling, helps your skin to heal from the inside out by creating controlled, tiny tears in the skin, triggering the production of collagen and elastin to create soft, supple new skin. 

Like chemical peels, microneedling starts with a thorough cleansing, after which a topical numbing agent is applied. Your provider treats your acne scars with a handheld device containing sterile needles that are safely disposed of after a single use. 


The bump-and-crater nature of severe acne scarring can be easily treated with topical treatments, but some may prefer a solution with instant and long-lasting results. ENVY Skin Clinic offers a number of different types of fillers, all of which can visibly improve the texture of your skin on the day of your treatment. 

When you’re ready for a change

The decision to treat your acne scarring might be difficult, particularly if you aren’t sure of where to start. We suggest taking a long look in the mirror, figuring out what, if anything, is bothering you, and then giving us a call. 

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