5 Things A Chemical Peel Can Improve 

botox and filler

You’ve likely heard of chemical peels. Perhaps you’ve been putting off getting one. Maybe you’re really keen but aren’t sure if they’re for you.
Chemical peels can be of varying intensities and are designed to treat a multitude of skin issues.
Essentially, a chemical peel resurfaces your skin. Treatments are adjusted to suit your unique needs and ensure the very best results. Each chemical peel is designed to exfoliate the top layers of your skin.

Your needs along with skin sensitivity determine just how many layers are removed during a peel treatment. The time it takes to see results depends on the intensity of your chemical peel.

  1. Acne and scars
Chemical peels dive deep into your skin’s layers to unclog pores, at the same time skimming the surface to get rid of blackheads and post-pimple scars.

The acid used in the peel lingers in your pores. This is a good thing as it keeps the pores clear over time. If you suffer from acne or left-over acne scars, a chemical peel could be the answer. There’s little to no downtime involved. It’s also suitable for all skin colors.

  • Smoother, softer skin

There are several types of chemical peels, ranging from superficial to medium in depth. There’s little recovery time and there are minimal chances of side effects. Peels are safe to use on all types of skin and afterward, you will enjoy rejuvenated, younger-looking skin. In fact, a chemical peel visibly improves your glow and tone of your skin, increasing hydration and suppleness. Peels can be used on the face, neck, hands, and chest.

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
A lighter chemical peel can dramatically improve your skin’s tone and texture. In turn, this works to decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. At first, results tend to be somewhat subtle but become more noticeable with repeated treatments.

It’s advised that you avoid sun exposure after a chemical peel until new skin covers the treated area completely.

  • Melasma

We know there’s no permanent cure for those sun-triggered dark patches that are the result of hormonal surges – the kind caused by the Pill and pregnancy. However, chemical peels offer a possible solution to help with Melasma.

  • A host of other improvements
Besides the above mentioned skin improvements, chemical peels offer a range of benefits for several common skin complaints, including:
  • Aging skin
  • Scars
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Crow’s feet
  • Sagging skin
  • Sun damaged skin

The main benefits of having a chemical peel


No matter what kind of skin condition you want to improve, chemical peels offer some incredible benefits. Following a medium or deep peel, for instance, you can look forward to visible facial skin tightening.
What’s more, regular chemical peels help you say goodbye to pigmentation and age spots. Not to mention a dramatic decrease in forehead furrows and wrinkles around the cheeks and mouth.

Medium and deep chemical peels, especially, work well for wrinkles around the mouth. These areas can even be treated on their own with even less recovery time.

Are you a chemical peel candidate?


While a chemical peel may be suitable for all skin types, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons says some people may not be good candidates, including those who have:
  • A history of abnormal scarring
  • Pale freckled skin and red hair
  • Abnormal pigmentation
  • Used acne treatments in the last year
The best way to find out if you’re a chemical peel candidate is to speak to a professional at ENVY Skin Clinic.

Treatments That Help To Improve Adult Acne

Why adults suffer from acne

There are a number of reasons for this. Adult-onset acne can occur for many reasons. From family history and fluctuating hormone levels, to stress, certain skincare and hair products, to the side effects of some medications. Navigating adult acne can be daunting. If you’re noticing more frequent breakouts, there’s good news. Besides keeping a regular skin care routine with the right products, you can choose from several effective skincare systems.Acne can be unpredictable and it can be tricky to get under control. It can become more complicated with age.

Finding a tried and tested system, can really help control your adult acne.

Chemical Peels

Regular chemical peels can help to improve mild to moderate acne. During a treatment session, a chemical peeling agent is applied to your face. The chemicals typically include ingredients like BHAs – a salicylic acid that acts as an anti-inflammatory to break down and exfoliate the outer layer of your skin. There’s also AHAs, which are similar to glycolic acid. This acid reduces inflammation and spots.
Chemical peels are good for treating active acne as well as hyperpigmentation; these are the discolored spots that acne tends to leave behind. They also work well for superficial acne scars. Peels that include glycolic acid can also work to improve acne and pigment changes for people with darker skin.

Lights and Lasers

Multiple treatments of skincare systems that use lights and lasers, such as MicroLaser Peel, ProFractional, and BBL, conducted at repeated intervals can help keep adult acne at bay. Broadband Light (BBL) is an advanced technology that uses pulsed light to improve pigmentation, age spots, veins, broken capillaries, and adult acne. It’s an effective way to restore your youthful appearance.

Say goodbye to adult acne once and for all

Adult acne is more common than you may realize. If you suffer from frequent breakouts, inflammation, and pigmentation, you know that treating your skin is an ongoing process of ups and downs. Some days or months are better than others. You don’t need to continually experiment with different products and treatments. It’s always best to see an expert.
With professional skincare systems and personalized skincare routine advice, you can kick your acne to the curb and once again enjoy clear, smooth, and youthful-looking skin.

Book a consultation with the experienced team at ENVY Skin Clinic today.